Posts tagged Miami
Press Lives Matter: Ashley Natareno, Publicist + South Florida Tastemaker

Ash Nat has played an instrumental role into the emerging music scene in Miami with representing the likes of Twelve'len, Native Youth, J.K The Reaper, Trianglxs, and more. Being such a profound publicist in the area has not only given her the voice to put on new artists but also point them in a direction of popularity in a different direction. Her scope on the scene there has given her an oppourtuntity to also have a show, "GRL PWR" on Stationhead, an emerging online radio platform that has recently been merged with Apple Music. Given her track record in South Beach, Florida certainly has a tastemaker on their hands and it's only right that Modern Life gave her time to tell her story. 

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Let The Underground Speak! : How 6FT Is Developing A New Platform for South Florida

6FT Interviews has become not only a hot spot for artists to stop by and lay down their opinions of the industry but it also gives these on the rise performers a strong platform to talk shit on. Nick Torious has followed a similar format that famous LA-based podcast, No Jumper has taken by giving artists a platform to speak while also providing tips for viewers that range from how to get more subscribers to do's and don't of being in Miami.

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